Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What a month! (and an extremely long post)

The picture above explains how this month began, saying good-bye to our home on Harrington Lane.  This was Travis and I's first home together and we have great memories in that home.  We were lucky enough to sell this house in 2 weeks and were able to purchase a larger home with more room for our family. This month has been absolutely crazy!  In the past month I have been to Chicago twice for work and I'm in Boston as I type this post until Sunday.  3 weeks ago we moved into our new home in Noblesville (the country, but I love it), pictures will come soon.

We weren't able to close on our home as planned and it was pushed back almost a week.  Cam and Joey were nice enough to let us move in for a week at the last minute.  We had so much fun staying with them, Jenson and Nolan are now best buds!  Cam and Joey had a wedding the weekend we stayed with them so we watched Jenson and had a blast!  We went to the park, dinner, a carnival, and the zoo.

Jenson at the waterpark at the zoo, it was so much fun watching him run around
 Nolan LOVED the Jeep, maybe Jenson will let us borrow it when Nolan gets a little older
Each year VMS has a summer outing, this year we went to the Indians game.  It was so much fun, even better this is the same day we ended up closing on our new house. Here are a couple of my co-workers Chelsie and Ashley, two amazing friends!
June 10 we moved into our new house and began unpacking.  June 11 I had to go to Chicago for work for 2 days, needless to say we still have a lot of unpacking to do since I'm now in Boston. Here's Nolan playing in one of the boxes, easily entertained.
Travis played softball this year with some friends on Thursday's.  Here's Nolan (8 1/2 months) and Kensley (7 1/2 months) playing.
This past weekend was Father's Day.  Nolan and I are so lucky to have Travis in our lives.  He is a wonderful father and husband and is always there for his family.  We love him very much!  I wanted to make Travis' 1st Father's Day very special and memorable so I surprised him with skydiving.  We were going to Greensburg this past Saturday and he thought we were going to visit my grandma, instead I had him go a different route and he pulled up in the skydive parking lot.  If you know Travis he is the hardest person to surprise and for the first time in 5 years he was speechless and I surprised hime, it was AWESOME!  Travis' dad also went with him.  I'm so glad they were able to experience this together.  I'll email a sneak peek of Travis' video. 
 Nolan with the googles Travis had to wear
Happy Father's Day Dad
Nolan is now 8 1/2 almost 9 months old, these pictures are a little late, but so cute!  Nolan is still crawling around and being an on-the-go crazy guy!  He has the best personality and every day with him is the best.  He is pulling up on everything and trying to stretch to get from couch to table. Nolan is very daring and I can't believe how he has no fear and will crawl right off the couch if we weren't watching him.
Mr. Personality

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summer, Summer, Summertime!

We had a very busy, but fun Memorial Day weekend.  We took Nolan the the Zoo for the 1st time Saturday.  He was more interested in the railings and the chain on the train, but Travis and I enjoyed seeing all the animals.  It was extremely hot so a lot of them were sleeping.  My favorite animals were the giraffes.  Here are a few pictures from our trip.
After the Zoo we visited with Travis' grandparents and Nolan's buddy Aiden.
Sunday Travis went to the Indy 500.  Nolan and I had a big day playing in his baby pool and going to the park.  We definitely have a water baby, he loved playing in his pool, and was in it 2 times throughout the day.
Nolan had such a fun and tiring weekend he passed out in the most uncomfortable position Monday night, I couldn't resist taking this picture.  You know you are tired when you can fall asleep like this.