Friday, September 25, 2009

37 Week Appointment - Exciting News!

Wednesday we went in for our 37 week appointment. Everything went well, I'm still measuring on track and Nolan's heartbeat sounded great, but I still have my headache (4 weeks now). Dr. Hurry has decided to induce me at 38 1/2 weeks which is next Friday, October 2. Ironically this is also Dierks' 1st Birthday, I'm not sure how that worked out. Stay tuned, Baby Nolan will be here in 1 week!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Weekend

This past weekend was really nice and relaxing. Friday night Megan, Jessie Stockton, Jennifer (Allison's sister), Allison and I went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner to celebrate Allison and Justin's upcoming wedding. Since Jessie and I are pregnant we had a tame bachelorette party. Allison is having another bachelorette party this weekend with another group of girls. We promise Allison we will celebrate after the babies are born!

Saturday morning Travis, Dierks and I walked up to the Fishers Farmers Market and bought fresh fruits and vegetables, they are delicious!
Saturday evening we got to spend the evening with our wonderful friends. Kim and Randy were in town so we all got together at the Archer household for pizza and lots of lovin' on Aiden who is 3 weeks old tomorrow. Our puppies also love getting together to run around and play, they were all pooped by the end of the night.
Dierks, Bear, and Sofie

Monday, September 14, 2009

Baby Bump Pictures

Our good friends Jon and Megan did a maternity photo shoot for us at the Indianapolis Art Center in Broad Ripple. Enjoy!
Thanks Jon and Megan, we love our pictures!