Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Helaina's 1st Birthday & Swimming

I'm a little behind on blogging since I've been so swamped at work the past 2 weeks, but I guess better late than never so here goes.  2 weeks ago Helaina turned 1 (March 2), it's so hard to believe that she is already 1.  She is talking and walking and definitely Miss Independent.  I've really enjoyed watching her grow and change over the past year and while I want Nolan to stay my small cuddly boy, I know we have some exciting times and huge milestones coming up.  The Archer family also joined us in Michigan, we had a blast!  Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Aiden (6 months), Nolan (5 months), & Helaina (1 year), she was more interested in Nolan's toys than the boys.  She did point to the boys all weekend and say "baby", to cute

Kim picked out the perfect outfit for the Birthday Girl
It's getting extremely hard to take a good picture of the kids together.  I can't imagine what it's going to be like when the boys start moving.
Once Kim put a couple bites of cake in Helaina's mouth she went to town!  There wasn't much of the cake left when she was done with it.
Nolan and Daddy
Miss Hollywood.  Travis just happened to capture this shot, too cute!
Nolan wasn't to sure about the pool, it was a little chilly.  He got used to the water and started kicking once Kim showed us how to hold him in the pool.
Swimming like a fish.  Helaina has been taking swim lessons since she was 6 months old, she loves splashing in the water.
Thank you Kim and Randy for hosting us for yet another wonderful weekend in Michigan, we can't wait for our next visit!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

5 Months

Yesterday Nolan turned 5 months old, it's amazing how quickly he changes and grows each day.  He is developing a wonderful personality and is trying to be Mr. Independent.  He is trying really hard to sit up by himself, he is almost there!  He also tries to hold his bottle when we are feeding him, he can do it for a short amount of time.  He is eating vegetables and fruit every night, his favorites are sweet potatos and squash.  Nolan's favorite activities are playing his exersaucer and being a jumping bean in his jumper.  He is hilarious in both of these toys, we love to watch him play. 

Everything goes straight to his mouth, especially his toes

Talking to us, he has a lot to say

Hanging with his best buddy Dierks