Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Man I'm a busy boy!

Last week we took Nolan to the park for his first time and he had a blast!  We met the Blount family, Nolan loved watching Eva and Roman run around the park, he can't wait to run around with him.  Nolan swang for about 30 min. (which is a long time for him) and then he played on the end of the slide for awhile.  I'm sure we will be spending a lot of time at different parks this summer.
Swinging and loving every minute
Hanging with Roman on the slide
For the 3rd year in a row my mom, sister, and Nolan walked in Race for the Cure.  This is one of my favorites things to do each year.  The walk is for such a great cause and there's a lot to see along the way.  This year was extra special to us because we walked for our Aunt Sarah.  This walk has always been meaningful, but when you are walking for someone you love it's extra special.  I know we will walk each year and continue to support the cause.  Nolan did ok, he was kind of fussy so we took turns carrying him most of way, by the end he was passed out, it's pretty rough to be carried all day!
Even Nolan has his pink shirt on
Nolan and Grandma
5k's are tiring!
Yesterday we had Nolan's 6 month check-up.  He is growing well and was very excited to be at the doctor's office until the dreaded shots came.  Good news is he will not have to get any shots at his 9 month appt.  Nolan is in the 60% for height and 45% for his weight. 
  • Weight: 16 lbs. 12 oz.
  • Height: 27 inches
Today Travis and I are heading to Las Vegas for a few days with Lauran, Dad and a few friends.  We are looking forward to going on an adult's only vacation, but at the same time I'm sad to leave Nolan.  I know he will be in perfect hands, Nana and Grandma are graciously taking turns watching Nolan and Dierks. 

1 comment:

  1. Helaina and I are reading this together and she says "Baby! Baby!" Nolan is growing so fast and is absolutely adorable! What a great experience to share with your mom and sis! Have a great time in Vegas, enjoy every minute, and have a drink for me :)
