Sunday, April 11, 2010

6 Months & Easter

We had such a wonderful 1st Easter as a family.  It was a gorgeous sunny day and we were able to spend the holiday with all of our family.  We started the day off having breakfast at home and giving Nolan his 1st Easter basket.  The Easter Bunny brought him a pool for the deck this summer, he was so excited he threw-up in his Easter basket.  He is going to be one cool dude in his pool with his hat and sunglasses!  Nolan was spoiled all day, I think he got 4 different Easter baskets, what a lucky boy.  Thanks to all our family for the wonderful gifts.  We really enjoyed the time we got to spend with everyone.  Next year we will be hiding eggs, can't wait!
Getting excited about his pool
Trying to escape, I was making him sit in his basket for pictures

This month Nolan celebrated his half birthday.  It's hard to believe that in 6 short months we will be celebrating his 1st birthday.  Nolan has hit many milestones this past month.  He has also had to start at a daycare.  Unfortunately Hannah, who was watching him on Thurdays and Fridays had to go on bead rest (our thoughts are with her and her family), so we went to plan B which is daycare 3 days a week at Heartland Church.  Last week was his first week and they said that he did very well and that he is advanced for his age, that sure made me proud to hear!  I really like that it is set-up like a school and that when he is 1 he will have a schedule and their days are structured.  It's also great because there are cameras in the room and I can log-on during the day and see what he is doing.  Normally he is up playing, so far he hasn't had much luck sleeping there.  I'm sure he will get better once he is used to the noise from the other kids. 

Nolan's Milestones:

  • He rolls over both ways

  • He cut his first 2 teeth

  • He sits up for long periods of time by himself

  • He can sit in shopping carts and highchairs when we go out

  • He babbles non-stop - it's hilarious, he loves to hear himself talk

  • He gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth, but hasn't been able to figure out how to get anywhere (I'm sure he will be crawling in the next couple of months)
Nolan is an absolute joy and we love watching him grow and change everyday.
Nolan and his buddy Dierks


  1. He has changed so much in the past month! He will be crawling so soon! Can't wait to see you guys again.

  2. Hi Erin! Nolan is so cute! I love the pic where he's trying to escape the easter basket!

    How do you like Heartland Church / Adventureland so far? That's the daycare that we signed Logan up for, but he won't start until May 10 when I go back to work. The webcams were a definite selling point for us!

    I enjoy reading your blog, looks like you're all doing great!

    Jen Roth

  3. Hi Jen! I'm so glad you have been following us on the blog. How are you and your family?

    So far we have been happy with Adventureland, this is Nolan's 2nd week and goes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Do you know what class Logan will be in? Nolan is in the Stars room. I agree the webcam was a HUGE selling point, I love being able to see what he is doing.

    Enjoy the rest of your Maternity leave, it goes so fast!

  4. Hey Erin! We're doing great! Logan is now a month old, hard to believe - it's gone so quick! We started a blog too -

    We are going to Adventureland on April 26 in the morning to meet with the teacher, setup his cubbie, and find out what class he'll be in. Glad to hear you like it so far!


  5. You will have to let me know what class he's in. Can't wait to check out your blog!
