Monday, April 5, 2010

2nd Florida Trip

I'm once again behind on blogging.  If we would stay home for more than 10 minutes at a time I might be able to get caught up!  2 weeks ago we went to Florida, which was Nolan's 2nd trip there.  He is a great little traveler which is good because Travis and I can't stay in Indiana to long. 

We spent the 1st half of our vacation visiting with family which is always a great time.  We spent the 1st night with Grandma Cobb, she is a "snow bird" and hasn't see Nolan since Thanksgiving.  He showed off for her and she really enjoyed him.
Our next pit stop was Port St. Lucie where we stayed with Aunt Dawn, Uncle Paul, and the kids.  Ethan and Zoe really enjoyed their time with Nolan and played with him a lot! We were also able to get some quality time in with Grandma, Grandpa, and Father Tony who was visiting from New Jersey.  He is the priest that married Travis and I.
At lunch with Gigi
Hanging with Zac, Zoe, and Ethan
We went and watched Zac play baseball, he had a great game!

Our next stop was Lakeland where we were able to visit with Auntie Colleen, Uncle Brad, Tim, Chris and Chris' fiance Jen.  We had never met Jen before since she has been living in California, it was a defiinite treat and we are looking forward to their wedding in 2011!

Jen, Chris, and Tim
Auntie Colleen and Uncle Brad
Hanging with his favorite Monkey

Our final destination was the beach house we stayed at in Vero Beach.  We spent a few days relaxing, shopping at the outlet mall, and hanging on the beach.  Unfortunately it was too cold to get in the water, but Nolan loved playing in the sand.  We can't wait to take him back!

Beach House
Beautiful view in the morning
Nolan and Daddy
Nolan and Mommy
The family
Nolan cracking up!
Hanging by our pool, Nolan LOVES his hat and sunglasses
On our way home.  Nolan and I flew by ourselves and Travis drove his Grandma back to Indiana

1 comment:

  1. What a great family trip! Nolan is soo adorable! Glad you got to visit with your family and spent some quality time together as a family of 3!
