Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Playing at the park, boat rides, and more

Nolan and Aiden had another playdate.  We met at Eagle Creek park and Auntie Megan came along as well.  The boys had a blast, now that they are both crawling they were all over the place and eachother.  They even got to swing for awhile.  Katie, Megan and I enjoyed our picnic lunch, watching the boys play and our girl time. 
Of course Tiger had to go swinging 
2 handsome little dudes
Last week we went to Target after dinner.  Nolan was exhausted becuase he doesn't like to sleep at daycare, (he is a social butterfly just like his dad) and he fell asleep in the cart.  Of course I had to torture him, that's what mom's do best.  Never fear Aiden, we bought a dog hat for you!
On Sunday we visited Aunt Barb, Uncle Dennis, and Jameson and they took us out on their boat for a cruise.  Before we went to their house we bought Nolan a life jacket.  Here is the only happy picture I got, he was not a happy camper.  Hopefully he will get used to it because we will go on many more boat rides this summer.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the life jacket picture! He just cracks me up!
    love to all,
