Tuesday, May 11, 2010

7 months and he's off!

I have a lot of pictures to post and one huge milestone to mention. On Mother's Day (how perfect) Nolan crawled to me when we were playing in his room. Travis said he couldn't have planned it better himslef, I was definitely one proud mamma and it made my day! Tonight he was crawling around a lot and I captured some on video.

Nolan and Dierks napping

Happy boy, glad to be outside and sporting his Red Wings outfit. Thanks Freij family

I'm ready for work Mom

We finally bought Nolan a highchair, he loves it!

Not happy when I started the photo session

Much better

I'm ready to crawl!

1 comment:

  1. He's changed so much since the last post! He is absolutely adorable. I can't believe the last time I saw Nolan he was just sitting up on his own. Give him kisses from us!
