Friday, July 23, 2010

9 months, swimming in the lake, 1st haircut and more!

I'm always late with Nolan's monthly post. My goal is to be on time for his 10 month post. Nolan is now 9 1/2 months old and getting bigger everyday. He is so much fun to be with and I can finally say things are getting easier. Nolan has started playing by himself for longer periods of time which lets me get more things done around the house. He is starting to eat more table food and is loving most of things we are giving him. The only thing so far he hasn't liked is avacado, I can't blame him I'm not a fan either. He really likes bread, fresh fruit and he's even had grilled pork chops.

We went to the doctor this week for his 9 month check-up and they are very pleased with his growth and progression since his last visit. The NP even said we might have an early walker on our hands because his leg muscles are so strong, stay tuned! Nolan weighs 19.1 lbs. (24th percentile) and is 29 1/2 inches long (75th percentile).

Nolan started a new daycare this week. The 1st couple of days were an adjustment, but by Wednesday he was doing much better and I think he is going to like it there. It's definitely harder on Travis and I that we have to send him there.
We definitely have a little ham on our hands. 2 weeks ago Nolan found him tongue for the 1st time and he LOVES to stick it in and out all the time.
Aiden came over for a playdate a couple weeks ago ang the boys had so much fun. They played hard in the house and then we went outside to swing. It's so fun for Katie and I to watch the boys get along so well and enjoy playing together. Tomorrow we are going to Ft. Wayne to the Zoo to see Kim and Helaina. I'm so excited to have the 3 kids together, it's been since March. Aiden will be 11 months old next week and Nolan is 9 1/2 months old.
Nolan could swing for hours, I'm pretty sure this is his favorite thing to do
This picture cracks me up, he looks like a 50 year old Tommy Bahama man. I sometimes let Nolan pick out his clothes and the past 2 times he has picked this shirt, pretty funny. Thanks for the shirt Auntie Lauran!
Sweet baby
My cousin Zackery and Uncle Paul were in town last week from Florida. Nolan loves being around other kids and had so much fun climbing all over Zac and playing with his fire truck.
Last week Nolan had his 1st haircut, we just got a trim becuase his hair was growing over his ears. We took him to see Lindsey, the girl that cuts my hair. He was such a flirt and talked to all the ladies in the salon.
Travis' Uncle Dennis brought his old Corvette to our house last week.  Nolan thought he was "big stuff" driving the car. We also went boating last week with the Carter Family and Nolan got to drive us around the lake. It's funny how boys automatically know how a steering wheel works.
We took Nolan's frog float to the lake as well and he loved floating in the water. Travis and I are so glad he is water baby!
Another one of Nolan's favorite things, he loves rolling this ball around the house.
Too cool for school!
Playing golf with dad, this was serious game they had going.

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